560 decreased by 90 percent = 56
2780 decreased by 10% = 90% of 2780 = 2780*90/100 = 2502
80 - 5% = 76
560 decreased by 90 percent = 56
2780 decreased by 10% = 90% of 2780 = 2780*90/100 = 2502
The percent of change -25%
80 - 5% = 76
Find out 10 percent of it and then half it, and you'll have 5 percent of 90
90% of 5 = 5*90/100 = 4.5
60% decrease.
90 + (5%) = 94.5
90-75 = 15 15/90 = 1/6 1/6 = 16.7% So the % change is a reduction of 16.7%
5% of 90 is 4.5