It is: 310,000,000
42901835698429507 or 42,901,835,698,429,507 rounded to millions is 42901835698000000 or 42,901,835,698,000,000
the number 9,513,607,482 (with commas in place) has the number 3 in the millions place. So, every number above that is included. 9,513.61 millions...depending on how many decimal places you need to use. Or rounded to 9,514 millions.
4,500,000 rounded to the nearest millions place is 5,000,000
It is: 310,000,000
The number after the millions place is 5 or above, so the millions place would be rounded up. The answer would be 3,000,000.
24 million.
42901835698429507 or 42,901,835,698,429,507 rounded to millions is 42901835698000000 or 42,901,835,698,000,000
The answer is 13,000,000,00
226,542,203 rounded to the nearest millions place is 227,000,000
10 million square kilometers