The decimal is 95, exactly as in the question. 95 is an integer, not a fraction. But, if you must express it as a fraction, it is 95/1.
95 as a fraction = 95/1
95% is 95/100 That fraction can be simplified to: 19/20
95 = 95/1
It is simply 95/1 as an improper fraction
The decimal is 95, exactly as in the question. 95 is an integer, not a fraction. But, if you must express it as a fraction, it is 95/1.
95 as a fraction = 95/1
To express 95 as a fraction, we can write it as 95/1. This is because any whole number can be represented as the number over 1. So, 95 as a fraction is simply 95/1.
95 = 95/1
95% is 95/100 That fraction can be simplified to: 19/20
95 = 95/1
It is simply 95/1 as an improper fraction
The reduced fraction of 95/100 is 19/20
95% = 95/100 = 19/20