You look at the number in the Thousands place... If it is 5 or greater then you round up... 986402 would round to 990000
324,650 rounded to the nearest thousands place is 325,000
11.36 rounded to the nearest thousands place is zero. However, 11.36 rounded to the nearest thousandths place is 11.36
144,683 rounded to the nearest ten thousands place is 140,000
82,799,472 rounded to the nearest ten thousands place is 82,800,000
You look at the number in the Thousands place... If it is 5 or greater then you round up... 986402 would round to 990000
1,613 rounded to the nearest thousands place is 2,000
324,650 rounded to the nearest thousands place is 325,000
228260.00 rounded to the nearest thousands place is 228000.00. 228260.00 rounded to the nearest thousandth place is 228260.00.
11.36 rounded to the nearest thousands place is zero. However, 11.36 rounded to the nearest thousandths place is 11.36
9,895 rounded to the nearest thousands place = 10,000
145,302 rounded to the nearest ten thousands place is 150,000
924,397 rounded to the nearest ten thousands place is 920,000
144,683 rounded to the nearest ten thousands place is 140,000
82,799,472 rounded to the nearest ten thousands place is 82,800,000
695,672 rounded to the nearest ten thousands place is 700,000
It is then 6000 when rounded to the nearest thousand