A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the required decimal representation is 98, exactly as in the question.
The ones in the percent would be in the hundredths place. The bold number is the ones place. 98%. Before the hundredths place are the tenths place and the ones. The decimal is 0.98 or .98.
Yes - any number without a decimal portion - even a negative number - is a whole number.
Zero is in the first decimal place of 98. An integer does not have any decimals, however, can be represented with decimals by placing first a decimal point ("dot") after the number and as many zeros as one wishes thereafter. For example, 98 is equal to the following values: (a) 98 (b) 98.0 (c) 98.00 (d) 98.00000000000000 Because the first decimal position is the first one to the right of the decimal point (as represented by examples b, c and d, above), the value is zero.
98/10 = 9.8
0.001*98 = 0.098
Decimal 98
The ones in the percent would be in the hundredths place. The bold number is the ones place. 98%. Before the hundredths place are the tenths place and the ones. The decimal is 0.98 or .98.
Yes - any number without a decimal portion - even a negative number - is a whole number.
It is: 98/25 = 3.92 as a decimal
0.98To convert 98% to decimal:1. Remove the % sign.2. Divide 98 by 100.98%= 98/100= 0.98 in decimal
If you mean 98%, the answer is 0.98. If you really mean 98, the answer is 98 or 98.0 if you need to see the decimal point.
Zero is in the first decimal place of 98. An integer does not have any decimals, however, can be represented with decimals by placing first a decimal point ("dot") after the number and as many zeros as one wishes thereafter. For example, 98 is equal to the following values: (a) 98 (b) 98.0 (c) 98.00 (d) 98.00000000000000 Because the first decimal position is the first one to the right of the decimal point (as represented by examples b, c and d, above), the value is zero.
It is 98, exactly as in the question. A decimal is a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. Adding zeros after the decimal point is wrong because they imply a degree of accuracy (significant figures) for which there is no justification.
98/10 = 9.8
0.001*98 = 0.098
Oh, dude, like, 5.98 as a mixed number would be 5 and 98 hundredths. So, you just take the whole number part, which is 5, and then the decimal part, which is 0.98, and turn that into a fraction as 98/100, which simplifies to 49/50. So, 5.98 as a mixed number is 5 49/50. Easy peasy!