"D" in Roman Numerals equals 500.
D is 500 in Roman Numerals.
The number 500 is represented in Roman numerals as "D".
It is: 500 = D as a Roman numeral
It is: 500 = D
"D" in Roman Numerals equals 500.
D is 500 in Roman Numerals.
The number 500 is represented in Roman numerals as "D".
It is: 500 = D as a Roman numeral
It is: 500 = D
In today's modern notation of Roman numerals 549 is equivalent to DXLIX but the ancient Romans would have notated it quite differently.
500 = D
D is 500 in Roman numerals.
The number 500 is represented by the Roman numeral D
CXID - or older roman numerals without D for 500: CCCXIC
50,000 can be written in roman numerals as (D) which is 500 x 1000 or 50,000.Improved Answer:-50,000 = (L) = 50*1000 = 50,000500,000 = (D) = 500*1000 = 500,000