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Q: What is 9mm in thousandths of an inch?
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61.38 thousandths of an inch equal what in an inch?

There are one thousand thousandths of an inch in one inch. To convert from thousandths of an inch to inches, simply multiply the number of thousandths by 0.001. 61.38 thousandths of an inch equals 0.06138 inch.

What is a quarter of a inch thousandths?

A quarter of an inch is equal to 0.25 inches. To convert this value to thousandths, we multiply 0.25 by 1000, as there are 1000 thousandths in an inch. Therefore, a quarter of an inch is equal to 250 thousandths of an inch.

What is 0.70 mm in thousandths of a inch?

It is 27.6 thousandths of an inch.

How many thousandths of an inch to 1 cm?

There are 25.4 thousandths of an inch in 1 cm.

How many thousandths of an inch are in 2.2 mm?

86.61 thousandths of an inch.

How many thousandths equal one inch?

There are one thousand thousandths of an inch in one inch.

How do you convert thousands of an inch into an inch?

Well 1000 thousandths is a whole inch so, 1000 thousandths = 1 inch

What is 3.140 thousandths of an inch in millimeters?

3.14 thousandths of an inch equates to 0.079756mm

How is 25 thousandths of an inch expressed in words?

Twenty-five thousandths of an inch.

What does caliber 380 mean?

See related links below Caliber is a measurement for the bullet (projectile) in thousandths of an inch, or mm.(metric). 380 thousandths or.380. For a 2 digit # add a 0. Example 44=.440 & 22=.220. 7, 8, 9, 10, 5.5, 7.62, those are metric. Both liked the 380 it was also called the 9mm kurz? or 9mm short since it is very close to a 9mm but has a shorter casing.

How many thousandths of an inch is 10.7 MM?

10.7mm is equal to about 421 thousandths of an inch.

Thousandths of an inch?

A thousandsth of an inch is 0.001 inch.