55 months is equal to 4 years and 7 months
I would guess 3 months times 4 months would equal 12 months...
how many months equal 531days
6 hours equal 0.0013889 months.
One year is equal to twelve months.
9yrs old
She was 9yrs old!
It may take as long as 18 months to get pregnant after stopping the Depo injections
55 months is equal to 4 years and 7 months
bradley is 9yrs 355 days
I would guess 3 months times 4 months would equal 12 months...
how many months equal 531days
6 hours equal 0.0013889 months.
One year is equal to twelve months.
Yes they can. I am only 9yrs and I wear a thong! :(
Yes. 3 months is equal to about 13 weeks.
Yes, 1 season is equal to about 3 months.