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Q: What is ANSI x12 standard 839 transaction set?
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What is ansi x12 version 4010?

ANSI X12 is the EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) standard used primarily in North America. Any EDI standard provides specifications for the layout of common business documents, such as Purchases Orders, Invoices, Advance Ship Notices, Medical Claim Forms, and the like. EDI standards boards meet from time to time to discuss modifications to the standard. Version 4010 then, is just one of the versions of the ANSI X12 standard, just like 3040, 4020, 5010, etc. A new version of the standard does not render previous versions obsolete however; two parties exchanging X12 documents may use any version of the standard they wish. The current standards mandated in US for certain electronic medical transactions industry wide are in the ANSI, American National Standards Institute, X12 standing committee, n, insurance subcommittee, transaction sets. A transaction set is an electronic model of a paper transaction or form. The Standards for medical transactions are 837 for medical claims, 835 for medical claim payments, 270 eligiibility inquiry and 271 eligibility response, 276 claim status, 277 claims status response, 820 enrollmnet and 834 premium payments. These are currently mandated, 2008, to be in version 4 release 1 known as 4010. An ANSI standard needs an implementation guide to determine how much of the standard is used and how it is used. There are actually three types of claims represented by different implementation guides in the 837 transactin set. They are known in the industry as 837P for professional services, 837I for institutional services and 837D for dental services. Copies of these standards may be found at the web site of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services contractor, There is a an expectation that the new standards will be anounced in early 2009 to be the version 5 release 1, known as 5010. The 5010 is essentially an updated 4010 with some of the confusion removed.

The set of rules that provide administrative simplification by standardizing the codes and formats used for the exchange of medical data is referred to as?

Electronic Transaction Standard

What is the Difference between transaction and query?

The query is simple set of insert,update,delete statement where as transaction is a set of statement which follows ACID properties.

A start transaction is set to be the system and acirc and 128 and 153s first screen displayed once you log in to GCSS-Army. Setting up a start transaction is?

A "start transaction" is set to be the system's first screen displayed once you log in to GCSS-Army. Setting up a start transaction is ________

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PCI DSS is a payment card industry data security standard. PCI Data Security Standard is the set of requirements that should be met by a company which deals with payment card processing. This standard was elaborated to protect credit card data security involved into transaction processing and consequently, to decrease the level of merchant fraud. To become PCI Compliant a business needs to undergo a PCI auditing procedure which differs according to the amount of the transaction processed.

What is a standard set standard set foil and parallel set on the Pokemon card check list?

Standard set is the original of the card, the plain flat card. Standard set foil are the holographic(Picture) and parallel set is the reverse holographic (everything but the picture).

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What does the acronym 'SET' stand for?

The Acronym SET can have many meanings. The following is just one. SET (Secure Electronic Transaction) A standard protocol from MasterCard and Visa for securing online credit card payments via the internet. It is a three-way transaction: the user, merchant and bank must use the SET protocols. Credit card data and a digital certificate (for authentication) is stored in a plug-in to the user's Web browser. The order is received by a SET-enabled merchant server that passes encrypted payment information to the bank. Approval is electronically sent to the merchant. The above retrieved from

How many 12 x 12 tiles needed to cover 839 square feet?

839! Seriously though, if this is being straight set add 10% for waste, round up to the nearest carton and place the order. Save any extra for future repairs.

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A bench mark is an object to a set standard.

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A standard knife set usually refers to a set of hobby knives. X-acto's standard set contains knives for trimming and carving and so forth.

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