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Generically it is called a table.

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Q: What is A grid comprised of horizontal rows an vertical columns into which you can enter data?
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How do you enter a black line into a document?

If you want a horizontal line to appear in MSFT Word, then type --- then press Enter If you want a vertical line, then this is probably a | (Control-forward slash on most keyboards).

How are individual columns entered on a worksheet?

You can enter data in any columns you like.

Derived horizontal fragmentation and mixed fragmentation?

Horizontal Fragmentation splits tables by rows. It differs from Vertical Fragmentation in that the relationship between key columns and non-key columns remains the same. The content of the tables differ by key value. Horizontal Fragmentation is the classic distributed data base design approach. For example, you only allow customer data for the western region to enter the database in the Los Angeles office. The customer data for the eastern region can only be entered in the New York office's database. The Rule of Reconstruction dictates that no overlaps can be allowed by key content. In this case customers cannot be shared for update between the Eastern and Western offices. Cheenu Gawri

What is the pattern of the elements in the periodic table?

they are arranged in the increasing order of their atomic number from left to right. the horizontal rows are known are periods and the vertical columns are known as groups. elements in the same group have same number of valence electrons and hence have similar properties. further the elements can be classified based on the orbitals in which the valence electrons enter and can be classified as s-, p-, d- or f-block elements.

The adjustments entered in the adjustments columns of a worksheet are?

enter the formulas in the appropriate cells on the worksheet. Then enter the adjustment amount in column.

In which ways can you set the row titles to remain visible as you enter the new figures?

*Split the worksheet into 2 vertical panes, w/ the column containing row titles in the first pane *Hide the columns between the first column and the column for November *Freeze the first column

What are data and rows in Microsoft Excel?

Anything you type into a cell like text, numbers, dates etc. is data. You can then enter formulas to do things with the data, and also use other facilities to do things with it. Rows are horizontal arrangements of cells. A worksheet is arranged in a grid. You therefore have rows and columns of cells.

You enter a harbor you see a buoy with red and white vertical stripes what should you do?

j after

If You enter a harbor. You see a buoy with red and white vertical stripes. What should you do?

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How can you fix a spreadsheet if the user has forgotten to enter some important data?

It depends on what is missing. It might be a case of inserting a few blank rows or columns to enter the data in. You can do that by putting the cursor where you want the extra rows or columns to be and go to the Insert menu and pick Rows or pick Columns. You can then enter the data that is missing and redo the formulas. Whatever is missing, all you can do is enter it and fix up the spreadsheet. If you know what is missing and where you want to put it, then it is not a major problem. Before doing it, save a copy of the file as it is, with a different name, in case you need to go back to it and start again.

What does the red circle with a horizontal white line mean on the google traffic maps?

No entry (do not enter.)

What symbols is used to enter number as text?

Putting an apostrophe (') in front of the number will enter the number as text. Or highlight an area of cells and columns and formate as text.