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Q: What is A instance when you might want to find an estimate 4 faction sums or differences rather than an exact answer?
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What is an instance when you might want to find an estimate for fraction sums our differences rather than the exact answer?

When you do not require an exact answer but an approximation is sufficient.

Does the size of the xls file changes in different operating systems?

The answer is rather yes than no. It depends on what size the smallest block has. For instance, FAT32 and NTFS use different cluster sizes. Thus you will see difference in size for the same file in different windows file systems. But such differences are not that big.

Who are the leaders of human trafficking?

Coyotes. There are many leaders and they are not considered a faction. They are rather a network of individual *leaders*. There is no specific *CEO*.

What sort of businesses does contracts for differences deal with?

Contracts for Differences or CFDs are a rather new stock trading instrument used in the UK. Rather than buying and holding the stock, one party agrees to pay the difference of the purchase/sale price at the end of the contract.

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Huntington's thesis refers to Samuel P. Huntington's theory of the "Clash of Civilizations," which posits that cultural and religious differences between civilizations will be the primary source of conflict in the post-Cold War world, rather than ideological or economic differences. It suggests that conflicts will arise due to differences in civilizations rather than other factors.

Which is more difficult o control a minority faction or majority faction?

A majority faction is generally more difficult to control in a standard democracy because, with one vote per person, they will overall have more votes than a minority faction, therefore their ideas will come into effect. To stifle a minority faction one must merely outvote them, whereas, oftentimes for majority factions you must spread the vote to many smaller (state) governments. This is where the "Republic" form of democracy was suggested by James Madison, which allows representatives to make informed decisions rather than fall to "schemes of oppression" of the majority people. So, in short, majority's harder to hold back. You just have to outvote minority.


This question is rather vague and needs rewriting with more information. For instance, what is EQUAL?

Which is the correct translation of segregation de facto?

Segregation de facto is when one faction separates themselves from another out of choice rather than by segregation de jure, which is when the separation is enforced by rule of law.

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diamond is the hardest substance known to science at this time, and graphite is a rather weak substance, and they are both made of the same elements. Their only differences are the arrangement of the molecules

What if you dream about sharks and dolphins working together?

You are dreaming of cooperation between predators and prey. The sharks represent one person, group or faction that is potentially hostile and dangerous. The dolphins represent an opposition (person, group or faction) that is basically benign and more prone to intelligent response rather than violence. This could be a problem solving dream, showing a possibility that you may not have considered before.

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I think the government spends money (on regulation for instance) rather than making it

Can a man die without having a opportunity to reject christ?

A rather odd question but if he dies suddenly, in an accident for instance, then yes he could.