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Q: What is A mathematical sentence indicating that two quantities are not equal are called?
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What is mathematical sentence stating two quantities that are equal called?

An equation.

A mathematical sentence that shows the relationship between quantities that are not equivalent?

it is called an inequality

What is a math sentence stating two quantities or expressions are equal?

A mathematical statement that two quantities or expressions are equal is called an equation.

What is a mathmatical sentence called?

A mathematical sentence is an equation.

What set of symbols that summarizes a mathematical relationship between quantities is called a?

Equations .

A solution set is all the numbers that make a mathematical sentence is called a what?

A solution set makes a mathematical sentence TRUE.

What is a mathematical sentence that contains an equal sign?

A mathematical sentence that contains an equals sign would be called an equation.

What is the name of a sentence that defines the value of the unknowns in a problem is called a?

A sentence which defines a value of variables in a mathematical problem is called a statement. The relationship between variables in a mathematical problem is called a function.

An is a mathematical sentence that compares expressions that are equal?

That is called an equation.

What is a mathematical statement that includes an equal sign?

A mathematical sentence that contains an equal sign is called an equation

What are derived quantities?

All other quantities which described in terms of base quantities are called base quantities.

What is the term for A mathematical sentence that does not include an equal or inequality sign is called an?
