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Q: What is A number that is greater than half a total?
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What is a number greater than half of the total?


What is 7 greater than half a number?

7 greater than half a number

Is one half greater than 3?

No, one half is not greater than three.One half is just a half of the number one, and since one is already lower than three, you can deduce that one half is not greater than three.

How can you tell when a fraction is greater than half?

When its numerator (top number) is more than half its denominator (bottom number).

What is the smallest fraction greater than 0?

There is no such number since half that number would still be greater than 0 but would be smaller than it.

What word means a number more than half the total number of a given group?

the majority is the number more than half the total number of a given group.

What number is greater than seven less than eight?

Seven and a half (:

Which decimal number is greater than half?

17.5 is one example.

How much is over half?

Any number greater than 0.5. For example, 0.500000000000000000000001 is over half.

Find a number whose double is 45 greater than its half?


What are some ways to find out if a number is greater than one-half?

It is if: * the numerator is greater than half the denominator. * twice the numerator is greater than the denominator. * the denominator is less than half the numerator. * twice the denominator is less than the numerator. * the decimal equivalent is gretaer than 0.5. * if you subtract 1/2, the answer is positive. * if you subtract it from 1/2 the answer is negative. * the square of the number is between greater than 1/4. There are many more.

Which fraction is bigger than a half?

2/3 or 4/5 or 93/100 There are an infinite number of fractions greater than a half