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Some examples are: 5 sided polygon is a pentagon, 6 sided polygon is an hexagon and an 8 sided polygon is an octagon

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Q: What is A polygon is named by the number?
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A polygon is named by the number of its?


How is a polygon named?

How is a polygon named?

Polygons are named according to the number of?

hi polygons are named according to their no of sides for example a polygon having 5 sides is named as pentagon polygon having 6 sides is known as hexagon 7 sides has named as heptagon and so on

How many sides does the largest polygon have?

There is no mathematical limit to the number of sides that a polygon can have. As the number of sides increases the polygon will become more and more like a closed curve - a regular polygon will become like a circle. The size of the polygon and accuracy of measurement will determine when it is no longer possible to distinguish between the polygon and the curve. Nevertheless, the two shapes will be mathematically different objects.

What is the least number of sides of a polygon?

a TRIGON ( THREE(3) More commonly nAMED AS A TRIANGLE.

What is the weirdest named polygon?

Well, it is all in personal opinion, but the funniest named polygon would be the 'nonagon' (non-uh-gon), which is a nine-sided polygon.

How is a five sided polygon named?

The name of a 5 sided polygon is Pentagon.

What is 12 sided polygon named?

The name of a 12 sided polygon is Dodecagon.

What is a twelve sided polygon named?

A twelve sided polygon is called a dodecagon.

What is a 38 sided polygon called?

A 38-sided polygon is called a triacontakaioctagon. The naming convention for polygons follows the Greek numerical prefixes for the number of sides, in this case "tri" for 3 and "contakai" for 10, along with the suffix "-gon" for polygon. Therefore, a 38-sided polygon is a triacontakaioctagon.

What is a a eight sided polygon named?


How does the number of vertices of a polygon compare to the number of sides of the same polygon?

They are equal.