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Q: What is A three dimensional x-ray photograph of the brain is called?
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A photograph is a two dimensional representation of a real-life scene. A hologram is three a dimensional representation.

What is a two dimensional representation of a three dimensional object?

A map, painting, or photograph, are all two dimensional representatins of three dimensional objects

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Three-dimensional vision called

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A three-dimensional circle is called a sphere.

Can you photograph a 4 Dimensional image?

No. Nor can you create one in three dimensions.

What is a photo taken with laser light?

A photo taken with a laser light is called a hologram. A hologram is a special kind of photograph that is produced by a laser and appears three-dimensional.

What is a three-dimensional semicircle called?

A three-dimensional representation of a semicircle would be a hemisphere.

What brain imaging method takes advantage of the magnetic properties of different atoms to take sharp three dimensional images?

Which brain imaging method uses magnetic properties of different atoms to take sharp, three-dimensional images of the brain.

What is the two dimensional pattern that can be folded into a three dimensional object?

A two-dimensional shape that can be folded into a three-dimensional figure is often called a net.

What is a three dimensional hexagon called?

There is no such thing. A hexagon is a two dimensional figure. A three dimensional figure with six vertices is an octahedron.

What are 3-dimensional maps called?

Three-dimensional maps are called "3D maps" or "three-dimensional maps." They provide depth and perspective which can help users better visualize and understand spatial data.