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Q: What is A variable whose values value is less than zero called?
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What is an across variable?

An across variable is a variable whose value is determined by measuring a difference of the values at the two extreme points of an element.

A variable whose value is a numerical outcome of a random phenomenon is called?

random variable.

What is the object upon which the response variable is measured called?

The object upon which the response variable is measured is called experimental. The response variable is the variable whose value can be explained by the predictor variable.

What is a resistor whose value can varied over a range of value called?

Variable resistor. The value of the variable resistor can be changed at any given moment.

What is an experimental variable?

A variable whose values are independent of changes in the values of other variables. The factor you are testing.

Variable is the value whose value depends upon the value of the independent variable?

The dependent variable is the variable that depends on the independent variable.

What was the experimental variable?

A variable whose values are independent of changes in the values of other variables. The factor you are testing. answer by: Ayezza

What does dependent and independent mean in math terms?

A dependent variable is one in whose experimental or analytical value is determined by the value of the independent variable. An independent variable is not determined by any other variable, but rather is an input value. For example in the equation y = 3x y is dependent and determined by the value of the independent variable x

A quantity whose value changes?

A variable

What the dependent variable?

The independent variable is the one that you control, and is plotted on the horizontal (x-) axis. The dependent variableis the one that changes according to your choice of x-value. It depends on the value of x. The dependent variable is plotted on the vertical (y-) axis.

What is independent variables?

an independent variable is a variable that changes the dependent variable.___________________________________________________Independentvariableis:a factor or phenomenon thatcausesorinfluencesanotherassociatedfactor or phenomenon called adependent variable. For example,incomeis an independentvariablebecause it causes and influences another variableconsumption. In a mathematicalequationormodel, the independent variable is the variable whosevalueis given. In anexperiment, it is the controlledcondition(that is allowed tochangein asystematicmanner) whose effect on thebehaviorof a dependent variable is studied. Also calledcontrolled variable,explanatory variable, orpredictor variable.

What is constant variable in c?

Constant variables refers to those variables whose values cannot be changed. These variables should be initialized along with their declaration. Attempt to change the value of a constant variable will generate compile error. The syntax for declaring a constant variable is:const data-type variableName = value;