

What is Amontons equation?

Updated: 12/7/2022
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Q: What is Amontons equation?
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What is Guillaume Amontons's birthday?

Guillaume Amontons was born on August 31, 1663.

When was Guillaume Amontons born?

Guillaume Amontons was born on August 31, 1663.

When did Guillaume Amontons die?

Guillaume Amontons died on October 11, 1705 at the age of 42.

How old was Guillaume Amontons at death?

Guillaume Amontons was born on August 31, 1663 and died on October 11, 1705. Guillaume Amontons would have been 42 years old at the time of death or 351 years old today.

Who is Guillaume Amontons?

Guillaume Amontons was a French physicist and inventor who is known for his work in the field of thermometry and his development of an air thermometer. He also made contributions to the understanding of friction and the improvement of the barometer. Amontons lived in the late 17th and early 18th centuries.

Application of amontons law?

scuba diving.

What did Guillaume Amontons do?

Important works of Guillaume amontons are: early contributions to tribology, improvements for many physics instruments, gas physics, optical telegraphy, etc.

Who is Guillaume?

Guillaume Amontons was an important middle ages French physicist.

How did guillaume amontons first come to speculate that cold had an absolute limit?

Because he kinda just felt like it one day.

What has the author Guillaume Amontons written?

Guillaume Amontons has written: 'Remarques et experiences phisiques sur la construction d'une nouvelle clepsidre sur les barometres, termometres,et higrometres' 'Remarques et experiences phisiques sur la construction d'une nouvelle clepsidre, sur les barometres, termometres & higrometres'

Did isaac newton discover friction?

Several famous scientists and engineers contributed to our understanding of friction. They include Leonardo da Vinci, Guillaume Amontons, John Theophilus Desaguliers, Leonard Euler, and Charles-Augustin de Coulomb. Their findings are codified into these laws, 1. The force of friction is directly proportional to the applied load. (Amontons 1st Law) 2. The force of friction is independent of the apparent area of contact. (Amontons 2nd Law) 3. Kinetic friction is independent of the sliding velocity. (Coulomb's Law)

Who discovered coefficient of friction?

Arthur-Jules Morin (1795-1880) coined the term "coefficient of friction" and was the first to demonstrate it's applications. Perhaps the first person to experiment with sliding friction was Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519) . He discovered the Bilfinger Value and originated Amontons' Laws of friction. They were later rediscovered by Guillaume Amontons in 1699. Morin was able to discover the coefficient of friction thanks to Isaac Newton's Laws of motion.