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Q: What is An acid test is used on rock sample to see if it bubblesWhich characteristic is being tested?
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What sample size is sufficient for stat?

A sample size of one is sufficient to enable you to calculate a statistic.The sample size required for a "good" statistical estimate will depend on the variability of the characteristic being studied as well as the accuracy required in the result. A rare characteristic will require a large sample. A high degree of accuracy will also require a large sample.

What is a Variable being tested or measured?

A variable being tested or measured is an aspect or characteristic that is being observed or assessed in an experiment or study. It is typically manipulated or controlled to determine its impact on the outcome or results of the research.

How much data is needed to have a representative sample of the population?

The answer depends on the variability of the characteristic that is being measured.

What is the primary characteristic of a probability sample?

In the context of a sample of size n out of a population of N, any sample of size n has the same probability of being selected. This is equivalent to the statement that any member of the population has the same probability of being included in the sample.

What do you call a sample that goes through all the steps of an experiment and does not contain the factor being tested?

a control

What do you call a sample that goes through all the steps of an experiment and does not contain a factor being tested?

a control

How long can a urine sample be kept for if it is being tested for alcohol?

6 hours, 12 hours in the refirgerator.

What is the defining characteristic of a random sample?

Each member of the population has the same probability of being in the sample as any other. Equivalently, any set of members of the given sample size has the same probability of being selected as any other set.

Why is complete clotting necessary in blood banking test?

to identify the blood type of the patient or the sample being tested

How long does a urine sample stay good for if being tested for THC?

A urine sample usually lasts up to 7 days if frozen.

What do you call a sample that goes through all the steps of an experiment except the one being tested?

That is called a control group. It is used as a standard of comparison in an experiment to evaluate the effect of the variable being tested.

How is skin scraping performed for collecting human DNA?

Using a a cotton swab, the sample cells are usually taken from inside the cheek of the subject being tested.