

What is Arbitrage pricing model?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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14y ago

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Solve the following problem:

Consider two securities that pay risk-free cash flows over the next two years and that have the current market prices show here:

Security Price Today Cash Flow in One year Cash Flow in Two years

B1 94 100 0

B2 85 0 100

a. What is the no-arbitrage price of a security that pays cash flows of $100 in one year and $100 in two years?

b. What is the no-arbitrage prices of a security that pays cash flows of $100 in one year and $500 in two years?

c. Suppose a security with cash flows of $50 in one year and $100 in two years is trading for a price of $130. What arbritrage opportunity is available?

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What is arbitrage process?

Arbitrage is process of utilising differences in price in two markets to make financial gains. Generally each market has a different demand-supply position and hence price of same product is different in different market.

What are the shortcomings of the binomial pricing model?

b) Binomial pricing model doesnt provide for the possibility of price of the underlying remaining the same between two consecutive time points (it assumes that either the price could go up or could come down; it completely ignores the possibility of the price not changing at all) a) Binomial pricing model breaks up the time to the expiry of option in to a limited number of time intervals and hence, the price calculated through binomial trees is more of a broad approximation of the actual price. (Compare this with Black Scholes (BS) Model which gives a more accurate approximation because the BS model involves breaking the time to expiry into infinitesimaly small time intervals).

What is 3C Model for price Setting?

The 3 C's model for setting pricestakes into account the customer, our costs, and the competition. Customer's perception about the various attributes of the products, competitor's pricing and our own total costs.

What are arbitrage situations?

An example of arbitrage was declared against a county that obtained $10 million in bonds for the purpose of developing a landfill. Some of the bond money was used for a land purchase and engineering studies. For several reasons the landfill was never built. The county put the remaining bond money into CDs at their local bank and drew a higher rate of interest than they were paying bondholders. The government charged the county with arbitrage and charged a fine.

What does the term arbitrage profit means?

Arbitrage profit is profit derived from a riskless (or near riskless) transaction. For example, say gold is selling on the London exchange for $800 per oz and gold is selling on the New York exchange for $804 per oz. Buying one oz of London gold and selling one oz of New York gold (trades in close proximity) provides an arbitrage profit of $4 (less transaction fees). The purchase and sale will likely have the effect of increasing the price of London gold and decreasing the price of New York gold. So for every subsequent trade, the arbitrage profit will be lower and lower until the prices are at parity.

Related questions

What is an arbitrage pricing theory?

An arbitrage pricing theory is a theory of asset pricing serving as a framework for the arbitrage pricing model.

What is an apm?

An APM is an abbreviation for an arbitrage pricing model or an advanced power management.

What is advantages and disadvantages of arbitrage pricing theory?

The advantage of arbitrage pricing theory is that it is not as restrictive as other pricing theories, factors in time, and does a better job of explaining expected returns. Limitations include not identifying underlying factors, ignoring the spread between long and short interest rates and ignoring inflation.

What does forex arbitrage mean?

Forex arbitrage is forex trading strategy where an individual locates a currency exchange rate that is incorrectly priced, and then utilizing this with another currency pricing to create a profitable trade.

What are some equity Arbitrage funds in India?

These are Mutual Funds that invest in Arbitrage Opportunities.Note: Arbitrage Opportunities are a special class of investment where the fund manager tries to make a profit out of the pricing mismatch between the Equity and Derivatives Market. It is a separate topic in itselfExample:a. ICICI Prudential Equity and Derivatives Fund - Income Optimiser Planb. HDFC Arbitrage Fund - Retailc. Kotak Equity Arbitrage Fundd. etc

What is the Capital Asset pricing model used for?

The Capital Asset Pricing Model is a pricing model that describes the relationship between expected return and risk. The CAPM helps determine if investments are worth the risk.

Define arbitrage and explain what kind of information is needed for you to obtain arbitrage in each of the forms of market efficiency?

The Law of One Price dictates that identical assets should be priced identically. However, this assumes an efficient market. Occasionally, when a market becomes temporarily inefficient, identical (or very similar) financial instruments may experience small pricing discrepancies. These differences present what is called an arbitrage opportunity. Simply stated, arbitrage presents the investor with an opportunity for risk-free profit. Typically these opportunities require information regarding the pricing of financial instruments on several exchanges. In addition, there may exist a deviation of information from one source to another, which implies an invalidation of several efficient market hypothesis.

When was Arbitrage released?

Arbitrage was released on 09/14/2012.

What was the Production Budget for Arbitrage?

The Production Budget for Arbitrage was $12,000,000.

How much money did Arbitrage gross worldwide?

Arbitrage grossed $26,685,784 worldwide.

What is an arb unit?

An arb unit, short for "arbitrage unit," refers to a unit of measurement that quantifies the amount of mispricing in a financial market. It is typically used by traders engaged in arbitrage strategies to identify and exploit pricing discrepancies between related securities or assets. The arb unit helps traders evaluate the potential profit opportunities available through arbitrage trading.

How much money did Arbitrage gross domestically?

Arbitrage grossed $7,919,574 in the domestic market.