Avogadro's constant is the number of atoms or molecules of a substance in 1 mole of that substance.
Avogadro's number is a constant and is the same regardless of element.
Avogadro's number is the number of atoms in a mole. This is a physical constant, not a mathematical one.
A mole.
The Loschmidt constant, NL is related to Avogadro's number, NA by the relationship:NL = p0*NA/(R*T0) wherep0 is the pressureT0 is the thermodynamic temperature andR is the gas constant.
Constant just means that the number does not change. For example, in Chemistry, avogadro's number is 6.022x10^23 and that number will never change, therefore it is a constant.
Avogadro's number is a constant and is the same regardless of element.
The number of atoms in a mole of any pure substance is called?
Avogadro constant is approximately 8.314 J/(mol * K)
Avogadro's number is a constant. Therefore only one number is equal to Avogadro's number.
Yes - it is Avagadro's number/constant
Avogadro's number is not limited to any specific element, it is a constant that applies to any equation. Avogadro's number = 6.02214*1023
Avogadro's number is the number of atoms in a mole. This is a physical constant, not a mathematical one.
In this case any link with Avogadro number exist. Avogadro number is a constant.
A mole.
As far as I can determine, it is the largest magnitude constant.
For example the Avogadro number.
The Loschmidt constant, NL is related to Avogadro's number, NA by the relationship:NL = p0*NA/(R*T0) wherep0 is the pressureT0 is the thermodynamic temperature andR is the gas constant.