The Bernoulli equation was formulated by Daniel Bernoulli who was a Swiss mathematician. The Bernoulli equation is basically a statement of the conservation of energy in fluid dynamics.
Johann Bernoulli died on January 1, 1748 at the age of 80.
Daniel Bernoulli was a Dutch mathematician born in 1700. It is not reported whether he married during his lifetime or not.
It was Bernoulli.
Daniel Bernoulli, a Swiss mathematician and physicist, formulated Bernoulli's equation in his book "Hydrodynamica" in 1738. The equation describes the conservation of energy in a fluid flow system and has applications in fluid dynamics and aerodynamics.
It was Bernoulli.
The continuity equation states that the mass flow rate is constant in an incompressible fluid, while Bernoulli's equation relates the pressure, velocity, and elevation of a fluid in steady flow. Together, they help describe the relationship between fluid velocity, pressure, and flow rate in a system. The continuity equation can be used to derive Bernoulli's equation for incompressible fluids.
look it up
determine the equation for trajectory with ahead of 7.0m and velocity cofficient of .95
The equation assumes steady state or laminar flow and hence cannot be used for turbulent flows.
I think it was Bernoulli, but Im not sure though
The assumptions underlying Bernoulli's energy equation are: steady flow, incompressible fluid, no energy losses due to friction or heat transfer, no shaft work being done on the fluid, and no changes in elevation.
yes, as long as it is assumed the substance is incompressible.
Venturi tube is used to for flow measurement. It work on the principle of Bernoulli Equation.