

What is Cellulase function?

Updated: 11/21/2022
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Q: What is Cellulase function?
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What has the author Victor Manuel Morales written?

Victor Manuel Morales has written: 'Cellulase production by Rhizobium' -- subject(s): Cellulase, Rhizobium 'Cellulase production by Rhizobium' -- subject(s): Cellulase, Rhizobium 'Cellulase production by Rhizobium' -- subject(s): Cellulase, Rhizobium

What are the reactants for cellulase?

It is Cellulose.

What is cellulase made of?

Cellulase is an enzyme made up of a complex of proteins that helps break down cellulose, a polysaccharide found in plant cell walls. It is produced by certain fungi, bacteria, and protozoans and is essential for the digestion of cellulose-rich materials.

What is the pH for cellulase?

pH 7

What temperature does cellulase work best at?

Cellulase breaks down cellulose found in plants and a cow's rumen has a temperature of around 104 F.

Where is the enzyme cellulase located in the body?

in the cells

How do you obtain cellulase?

Cellulase can be obtained from various sources such as fungi, bacteria, and certain plants. It can be produced through fermentation processes in industrial settings using microorganisms that naturally produce cellulase enzymes. Commercially available cellulase products are also available for purchase for various applications, such as in the textile or biofuel industries.

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cellulase enzymes

Is cellulase a carbohydrate or a protein?

Cellulase is an enzyme that break down celluse a complex organic molecule into simpler molecule like glucose and as such being an enzyme, it is also protein in nature.

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What enzyme is responsible for digesting carbohydrates?

salivary amylase (salivary glads) and pancreatic amylase (pancreas)