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Q: What is Circle dance is called?
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What was a lively circle or line dance often performed outdoors called?


Why did the Ancient Greeks dance in a circle?

If you think about it, the Greeks danced in a circle just as we dance in a circle in a Ring-Around-The-Rosy dance. So, they danced to have fun, and what fun is it alone?

Who is a dance is performed in a circle with men leading and the women following in the circle?

Kleistos is the name of this dance.

Which dance is performed in a circle with men leading and women following in the circle?

The dance performed in a circle with men leading and women following is typically known as a "round dance." This type of dance is common in many traditional and folk dance styles around the world, including but not limited to the hora in Jewish culture, the Sardana in Catalan culture, and the Thirayattam in Indian culture. In these dances, participants move in a circular formation, with the lead changing between men and women as the dance progresses.

What is the bar mitzvah's dance called?

The traditional Jewish festival dance is the Hora. The Hora, as with many of the tradition Judaic dances, is a circle dance where you do the grapevine and ocassionally move to the middle of the circle while lifting your hands. However, B'not Mitzvahs also involve other common party dances, such as the YMCA and the Electric Slide.

How do you do a jamaican fat dance?

grab ur man boobs and dance around in a circle!

What is the dance of England?

Circassian circle, Mummer's Dance, Rapper Sword, Morris, Molly, The allameade

How do you dress for a circle dance?

wear a hulu hoop

What is the name of a circle dance beginning with an h?


Which dance is performed in a circle with men leading and the women following in the circle?


What is a half circle called?

a hemisphere

What is a four-letter word for a circle dance?

The 4-letter dance is a reel or hora