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Q: What is Clinker cooler efficiency formula and calculation?
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What reason of brown core in clinker?

The presence of brown cores in clinker can be due to incomplete burning of the raw materials in the cement kiln. This means that certain areas of the clinker did not reach the necessary temperature for complete transformation, resulting in a darker, brownish color. It could be caused by factors such as insufficient residence time in the kiln, uneven distribution of heat, or inadequate fuel combustion.

Will a fuel cooler increase fuel efficiency?

It is possible that a fuel cooler will increase fuel efficiency. The hotter a fuel burns, the faster it will burn away.

How do you increase secondary air temperature in cement kiln?

Increasing the secondary air temperature in a cement kiln can be achieved by preheating the air before it enters the kiln using a preheater or a combustion chamber. This helps to enhance combustion efficiency, reduce fuel consumption, and increase overall kiln productivity. Adjusting the fuel-air ratio and ensuring proper insulation of the kiln can also help maintain higher secondary air temperatures.

How you can test water oil cooler?

You can pressure test it to check for leaks, if it was leaking the oil would be milky anyway. You can check the temperature(laser temp gun)in to and out of the cooler to see the efficiency.

Is there any difference in temperature at inlet and outlet of steam turbine?

For efficiency's sake, the outlet had best be a lot cooler.

How did AA lava get its name?

Aa lava is a basaltic lava with a flow characterized by rough surfaces of clinker.

Why desert cooler are not effective during rainy season?

A desert cooler, also called a swamp cooler, depends on low humidity and evaporation to cool the air. It loses efficiency when the humidity is high, such as during the rainy season. Less water will evaporate when the air is already nearly saturated with water.

What is the advantage of putting salt on ice in a cooler?

Putting salt on ice in a cooler lowers the freezing point of water through a process called freezing point depression, allowing the ice to stay colder for longer. This helps to keep food and drinks cooler for a longer period of time and improve the overall efficiency of the cooler.

Does it require more electricity to heat a room in winter by 10 degrees than to cool the same room by 10 degrees in summer?

It depends on the efficiency of the heater or cooler.

The typical thermodynamic efficiency of an OTEC installation running between surface water at 22 C and deep water at 40 C is about?

Deep water is cooler. YOUR NUMBER ARE WRONG

What happens if you do not replace the thermostat?

Not having a thermostat fitted will result in the engine running much cooler, usually accompanied by a loss of efficiency and performance as the engine won't be able to reach its optimum running temperature.