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Q: What is Complementary Code Keying?
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Is 8421 self complementary code?

Yes , it is a self complementry code but not a weighted code

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What is self complementary code?

If the one's complement of the code is equal to the nine's complement of the code, then it is called a self complementing code.

Why excess 3 code is called self complementary?

Excess-3 code is also known as self complementary, because it can easily be complemented(9's complement) to perform addition in the case of subtraction.

When was Keying - official - born?

Keying - official - was born on 1787-03-21.

When did Keying - official - die?

Keying - official - died on 1858-06-29.

What is amplitude shift keying modulation?

micxingthe between the phasr and frepaancy shift keying

Does the term WYSIWYG saves you the most time when keying a document?

WYSIWYG helps you save most of your when keying in a document.

What does the acronym 'BPSK' mean?

The acronym "BPSK" stands for burst pulse shift keying. Burst pulse shift keying is the simplest form of phase shift keying or PSK known currently to exist.

What is the exact definition of differential phase shift keying?

differential phase-shift keying (′dif·ə′ren·chəl ′fāz ′shift ′kē·iŋ) (communications) Form of phase-shift keying in which the reference phase for a given keying interval is the phase of the signal during the preceding keying interval. Also known as differentially coherent phase-shift keying.Above retrieved from Answers.comViper1