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In Hindu-Arabic numerals, DLDCV represents the number 555. Each letter in DLDCV corresponds to a specific value: D is 500, L is 50, C is 100, and V is 5. By adding these values together (500 + 50 + 5), we get the total of 555. Hindu-Arabic numerals are the numeral system we commonly use today, originating from the Indian subcontinent and later adopted by the Arabs.

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12y ago

I don't think it's acceptable to precede a D with an L or to have more that one D in a number. However, putting that aside and following the basic addition and subtraction rules for Roman numerals, I would say it is a sloppy way of expressing 1055.

D = 500

"LD = 500 - 50 = 450"

C = 100

V = 5

500 + 450 + 100 + 5 = 1055

The proper way to express 1055 in Roman numerals is MLV.

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4w ago

DLDCV in Hindu Arabic numerals would be 5555. Now go forth and impress your friends with your newfound knowledge, honey.

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