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Q: What is DSA digital subtraction angiography?
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These tests are invasive and can actually cause a stroke

Difference between angiography and Digital subtraction angiography?

In digital subtraction angiography (DSA), an image is obtained prior to the introduction of the radio-opaque contrast medium. This image is then digitally "subtracted" by turning it into a "negative" and then superimposing the image onto images acquired after the injection of contrast. This theoretically results in everything but the image of contrast within the vessel being subtracted, or removed, leaving a clearer picture. Often due to patient movement, breathing etc, the two images do not exactly superimpose and some residual shadow of the surrounding structures may be visible.

What is the medical term meaning X-ray record of the blood vessels?

AngiogramDigital Subtraction Angiography (DSA)AngiocardiographyAn angiogram is an x-ray record of blood vessels after injecting contrast dye. The process of getting an angiogram is angiography.

Why iodine is use in DSA?

Iodine is used in digital subtraction angiography (DSA) as a contrast agent to improve visibility of blood vessels. When injected into the bloodstream, iodine helps to highlight the blood vessels on X-ray images, allowing for better visualization and evaluation of the circulation system. This assists in diagnosing various cardiovascular conditions and guiding interventional procedures.

What technique creates a three-dimensional dynamic image of blood vessels?

What technique creates a three dimensional dynamic image of blood vessels

What is a common asymmetric cypher?

Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)

What digital angiography uses video and computer assisted enhancement of images obtained with conventional angiography?


Is digital substraction angiography or DSA is a diagnostic technique that uses video and computer assisted enhancement of images?

Yes, DSA is a x-ray technique primary in peripheral cases. How it works is by taking a series of pictures without any contrast (called a mask). Next the same pictures are taken with contrast flowing thru the vessels. These two are layered on top of one another (by a computer). The results is the ability to "substrate" the bone from the image.

An imaging technique used to display soft tissue structures such as blood vessels without the confusing overlay of bone images?

Angiography; radiographic imaging of the heart and blood vessels after injection of a contrast dye

What is a common asymmetric cipher?

Pick one:l Diffie-Hellmanl RSAl Elliptic curvel ElGamall Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)

