

What is Determinate values?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: What is Determinate values?
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What is the verb of determinate?

Determined is a verb it is the past tense of the verb determine

Is overhanging beam a determinate beam?

Yes, It is ofcourse a determinate beam of degree of indeterminacy = 0 if we remove the moment at support, it works as a mechanism. So, it is determinate...

What is the definition of Determinate?

Determinate - having exact and discernible (able to be discerned) limits or form.

How do you figure out whether a matrix has a determinant?

Any n x n (square) matrix have a determinate. If it's not a square matrix, we don't have a determinate, or rather we don't care about the determinate since it can't be invertible.

Is the hair of the axilla considered determinate or indeterminate?

Determinate. Determinate hair grows to a specific length and then stops. Determinate hair is found in many places in the body, including the axilla (armpits), groin, eyelashes, and eyebrows. On the other hand, indeterminate hair continues to grow without regard to length. It is found on the scalp and in beard hair in men.

If an inmate has an indeterminate sentence followed by a consecutive determinate sentence and the two are aggregated is he serving an indeterminate or a determinate sentence?

If an inmate has an indeterminate sentence followed by a consecutive determinate sentence, the aggregate sentence would be considered a determinate sentence. This is because the determinate portion of the sentence imposes a fixed term of imprisonment, while the indeterminate portion establishes the minimum amount of time that must be served before the inmate becomes eligible for parole.

Which part of a plant shows determinate growth?

The flowers, leaves, and some stems of a plant exhibit determinate growth. These parts stop growing once they reach a certain size or stage of development.

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What is the Hindi word for determinate?

nirdharit karna.

What does determinate sentencing mean?

A determinate sentence for prison is a sentence set by the court for a fixed amount of time. This is the maximum amount of time that the prisoner will serve.

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