

What is Discrete control system?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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Q: What is Discrete control system?
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What is the difference between continuous and discrete system?

The difference between continuous and discrete system lies in the variables. Whereas the continuous systems have dynamic variables, the discrete system have static variables.

Why do you convert s domain to z domain in control system?

Because most modern control systems are implemented using digital hardware, which is exists in discrete (z), not continuous (s), space.

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The College Authority made the administrative system with three discrete divisions.

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analog (continuous) and discrete (discontinuous)

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discrete because the signal of an alarm is periodic.

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Clare D. McGillem has written: 'Solutions manual for Continuous and Discrete Signal and System Anal ysis' 'Continuous and discrete signal and system analysis' -- subject(s): Digital filters (Mathematics), Discrete-time systems, Electric engineering, Mathematics, Signal theory (Telecommunication), State-space methods, System analysis

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A system flowchart is a physical model that graphically documents the system's discrete physical components (its programs, procedures, files, etc.).

What is hybrid support system?

A hybrid support system is a system that shows discrete and flowing dynamic behavior. This is a support system that integrates all the essential aspects into one comprehensive system.

Do all electronic products have a processor?

No...there lots that just have discrete gates etc. The control module in my refrigerator for example.

What is hybrid support?

A hybrid support system is a system that shows discrete and flowing dynamic behavior. This is a support system that integrates all the essential aspects into one comprehensive system.