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The lognormal distribution, probably.

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Q: What is Disribution used in estimating population variance?
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The answer depends on the underlying variance (standard deviation) in the population, the size of the sample and the procedure used to select the sample.

Will The finite population correction factor lead to a wider confidence interval?

No since it is used to reduce the variance of an estimate in the case that the population is finite and we use a simple random sample.

Variance in the rhythm of your heart?

It is the variance in time between each heartbeat. ECG, and blood pressure tests are often used to measure the variance in the rhythm of the heart.

Why is standard deviation better than variance?

Better for what? Standard deviation is used for some calculatoins, variance for others.

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What use is variance analysis to businesses?

Variance analysis is something used primarily by small businesses. It is a method used by managers of small businesses to improve the performance of their companies.

Why is estimating better than rounding?

Estimating is neither better nor worse than rounding. The two are used for different purposes.

What variance is best for measuring operating performance?

Efficiency variance can be a good metric because it measures how efficiently inputs were used to produce output.

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