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E means Electronic in this real world of technology

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Q: What is E used for in the real world?
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Here are some that I know... Keeping up with the Kardashians (E!) Real Life (Mtv) The Real World (Mtv) Holly's World (E!) Teen Mom (Mtv) Cutthroat (Mtv) Jerseylicious (mTV Real Housewives (Bravo) Kendra (E!) Married to Rock (E!)

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it used to cook and heat.

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What has the author Herbert E Meyer written?

Herbert E. Meyer has written: 'Real-world intelligence' -- subject(s): Business intelligence 'Real-world intelligence' -- subject(s): Business intelligence 'Hard thinking' -- subject(s): Science and state, Technology and state 'Real World Intelligence Organized Inform'

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The oppositeÊof E=mC2 would be m or mass equals energy divided by the speed of light squared.Ê The C in E=mC2Êin real world terms would be the speed of light.

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The additive inverse is used to solve equations; equations, in turn, are used to model many real-world situations.