

What is Electron Relative mass?

Updated: 12/10/2022
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13y ago

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it is usually the mass without the x10^-31

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Q: What is Electron Relative mass?
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Relative mass of electron?

1/1840 the mass if a hydrogen atom.

How do you find the relative uncertainty in the mass of the electron?

To find the relative uncertainty in the mass of the electron, you would typically determine the absolute uncertainty in the measurement of the electron's mass and then divide it by the measured value of the electron's mass. Finally, multiplying by 100 will give you the relative uncertainty as a percentage.

What is the number of atomic mass in an atom?

Relative mass number of an electron is 0

Mass of electron compared to proton?

The mass of an electron is about 1/1836 times the mass of a proton. This means that electrons are much lighter than protons.

What are the charges and relative masses of the main subatomic particles?

electron = relative charge = 1- relative mass = 1/1840 proton = relative charge = 1+ relative mass = 1 neutron = relative charge = 0 relative mass = 1

What subatomic particle Has the smallest relative mass?

In the atom the electron is the lightest.

What have almost equal masses to the proton?

No, it isn't. The mass of an electron is significantly smaller than that of a proton.The mass of 1,800 electrons is about the same as the mass of one single proton.The antiparticle of the electron, the positron, has the same mass as the electron.the mass of the electron is not the same to the mass of the proton

What are Atoms 3 particles?

Proton - Relative Atomic Mass of 1, charge of 1. Neutron - Relative atomic mass of 1, charge of 0. Electron - Negligible mass (0), charge of -1.

If a proton had a mass of 1 what is the mass of an electron and neutron relative to the mass of the proton?

An electron has a mass of approximately 0.0005 times the mass of a proton, while a neutron has a mass that is slightly greater than that of a proton.

What is the Ar of Carbon?

The Relative Mass (Ar) of carbon is 12. The Relative mass can be found very easily, it is the top number of the electron in the periodic table.

What are the relative atomic mass of subatomic particles in atom?

The relative atomic mass of electrons is considered negligible, as they are much lighter than protons and neutrons. Protons and neutrons each have a relative atomic mass of approximately 1, as they are found in the nucleus of an atom and contribute to its overall mass.

What has the least mass - electron neutron proton nucleus?

LEAST mass? That would be photos or neutrinos, which have no mass at all. Where Least is greater than zero? Electrons, probably; an electron is 1/1836th of a proton, I seem to recall. Neutrinos actually have a small nonzero mass, so small it has yet to be determined. No neutrino has a mass of more than a few eV, the electron has a mass of about 0.5MeV.