February 14 2001
In todays modern notation of Roman numerals: II-XIV-MMXIII Note that the ancient Romans would have wrote out the equivalent of 14 as XIIII
14=xiv February=FEB. 2010=MMX Therefore; 14 February 2010 = xiv FEB. MMX
February 14 2001
In todays modern notation of Roman numerals: II-XIV-MMXIII Note that the ancient Romans would have wrote out the equivalent of 14 as XIIII
14=xiv February=FEB. 2010=MMX Therefore; 14 February 2010 = xiv FEB. MMX
February is the second month and would be II. The 14th is represented by XIV. And the year would be MCMXC. So it would normally be shown as II-XIV-MCMXC.Additional Information:-In today's notation of Roman numerals 1959 is MCMLIX and not MCMXC which represents 1990
The date 8-14-2009 in Roman numerals would be VIII.XIV.MMIX
14 in Roman numerals is XIV
The number 14 in Roman numerals is XIV
Roman numerals for 14 is XIV