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Q: What is Fight night round 4 legacy mode about?
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How do you unlock all fighters in fight night round 3?

complete the season mode complete the season mode

Are there cheats for fight night round 3?

Yes, Enter "NEWVIEW" as a first name in Create Champ mode to unlock all venues :)oh and there are more hints and tips for this game here >

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Because the champion mode has a lot of cursing and the violence is supposedly ultra realistic

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you have to beat adventure mode to fight him.

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A little more info, right now I am leaning toward the Aiptek MPVR+, because it has Night Mode, and other good features. Is the Night Mode good for recordering outside at night?

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no you can not there is a mode were you can fight each other battle mode not in story mode

How do you increase level cap on legacy mode in fight night champion?

You can't. The levels are capped at 220 for every fighter. However, the max amount of levels you have access to is 320 max which would indicate that an upgrade or patch was in the works but EA abandoned the game and the servers to immediately start work on UFC leaving the "Capped... for now" message to really mean "Capped... forever".

How do you unlock super sonic on sonic the fighters?

Its kinda hard first you you must beat the rivals and never lose a round until you reach metal sonic..on the first round beat him. On the second round turn hyper mode and you will become super sonic. Trust me it works i tryed it works perfectly

What shippuden episode does Naruto fight sasuke in sage mode?

They dont fight but s3x

Can you shoot when the Nerf deploy is in night mode?

Do you mean flashlight mode, because if you do,then no.

What is the mode of Mozart's a little night music?

mozart creatd his own mode

Can UFC fighters fight in pride mode?

Yes, they can.