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Simple, it is 919 for emergency calls such as Fire, Ambulance and Police. Non-emergency number is 330600. Making a prank 919 emergency call is an offence and caller can be charged $1000FJD or 3months in prison.

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Q: What is Fiji's 911 number?
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In Asia

Is 911 a even number or a prime number?

911 is a prime number.

What is 911's telephone number?

911 in the United States.

What is number 911?

911 in the United States.

What is the number for the 911 Emergency Response People?

Dial 911.

What is fijis main religion?

Christianity Hinduism and Islam

Is 911 the emergency number in all coubtries or just the USA?

No, 911 is the emergency number for the United States only.

What does 'call 911' mean?

"911" is the US telephone number for emergency services.

Can 911 be divided?

Yes by itself and one because 911 is a prime number

What Fiji's major landform?

Fijis major landfroms are the islands

Who is today's ruler of Fiji?

Commodore Frank Bainimarama is Fijis Prime Minister, Ratu Epeli Ganilau is Fijis President and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second remains the Head of State for Fiji.