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Q: What is Fractal image compression?
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Why fractal image compression is resolution independent?

because in fractal coding you save Coefficients of image blocks instead of values of block pixels. decoding starts from initial image and Coefficients applied on it. so the initial image can have any resolution

What is special characteristic of koch snowflake?

It is a fractal: each enlargement of the snowflake is an identical image.

What are some good applications of fractal structures?

Applications of fractal structures include:computer generation of special effects animationsbiological studiesecological studiesimproved transistor designsurban growth studiesfile compression algorithmsmilitary camouflagecomputer networksetc.

How to calculate Compression ratio for an image?

compression ratio=uncompressed image size/compressed size

What is the need for compression?

motivation of lossless image compression

Why you are gotng to image compression?

image compression makes the image smaller in order to fit a desired size. you literally compress the image and make it smaller in bit size.

How does compression effect images?

Any type of compression will ideally reduce the size of an image. There are two types of compression which describe how they affect images:"Lossy" compressionThis type of compression reduces the size of the image by removing some data from it. This generally cause, effect the quality of the image, which mean it will reduce your image quality."Lossless" compressionThis type of compression reduces the size of the image by changing the way in which the data is stored. Therefore this type of compression will make no changes in your image.

Difference between image compression and image editing?

Image Compression reduces the file size of an image without changing any part of the image. Image Editing involves changes to colour, addition or subtraction of element of and image that may or may not change the size of the image

Which compression type using in BMP image file?

Which compression type using in BMP image file? The BMP image file normally doesn't use any compression at all. This is why usually they are large files and are not used on the web.

What do fractals show?

They show self-similarity. When you look at a more detailed (or zoomed-in) version of the fractal you have the same image.

What is the need for image compression?

Benefits of Image Compression 1. Reduce the size of the image to be transmitted 2. This will definetly speed-up the processing time 3. Optimal use of Storage space 4. Optimal utilization of transmission media By Victor

Why you are using image compression?

Image compression is used to reduce the size of the stored data. This is done either for storage purposes or to improve transfer times.