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Q: What is Hofstede's cultural dimensions?
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What is Hofstedes four dimensions of culture?

What is Hofstedes four dimensions of culture?These are the four dimensions of culture.-Low vs. high power distance -Individualism vs. collectivism -Masculinity vs. femininity-Low vs. high uncertainty avoidanceand on Wikipedia there was another one initially calledConfucian dynamism-Long vs. short term orientation

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What are the five dimensions of the marketing environment?

Competitive, political-legal, economic, technological and social-cultural

What is the dimensions of cultural diversity?

Cultural diversity encompasses a wide range of dimensions, including language, religion, customs, traditions, beliefs, values, norms, and behaviors. It reflects the variety of ways in which people express their identity and experience the world around them. These dimensions shape individuals' interactions, perceptions, and understanding of the world.

Singapore hofstede's cultural dimensions long or short term orientation?

long term

What are technical and socio-cultural dimensions of project management?

Technical Aspects:ScopeWork Breakdown StructureSchedulesResource allocationBaseline budgetsStatus reportsSocio-cultural Aspects:LeadershipProblem solvingTeamworkNegotiationPoliticsCustomer expectations

What has the author Duncan Watson written?

Duncan Watson has written: 'Cross-Border Strategy with Cultural Dimensions'

Does cultural dimensions influence cross national agreement?

Yes, cultural dimensions can influence cross-national agreement as different cultures may have varying values, norms, and communication styles that can impact how individuals from different countries understand and negotiate agreements. Understanding and respecting cultural differences is important in order to facilitate successful cross-national agreements.

What makes the us a masculine country?

The U.S. is often seen as a masculine country due to factors like a focus on competitiveness, assertiveness, and traditionally male-dominated leadership roles in government and business. These characteristics align with the cultural dimensions of masculinity as defined by Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory.

What are the six dimensions of globalization?

Domestic International Multinational Global

What are the 7 dimensions of sustainable development?

The seven dimensions of sustainable development are social, economic, environmental, cultural, political, institutional, and technological. These dimensions reflect the interconnected aspects that need to be considered to achieve long-term sustainability and well-being for society.