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An example of inductive reasoning in geometry would be estimating or figuring out a solution to a given condition and testing it to see if it applies to other conditions with similar properties.

Its opposite is deductive reasoning where one would draw a conclusion from a set of circumstances or conditions and then test or apply the same reasoning toward one instance.

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Q: What is Inductive in geometry?
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Example of inductive reasoning in geometry?

Inductive reasoning in geometry is mainly used with repetitive concepts or patterns. An example would be multiplying -7 by 2 using repeated addition, which is "-7+-7," to equal -14.

How is inductive reasoning used in geometry?

Inductive reasoning is used in geometry to arrive at a conclusion based on what one observes. It is not a method of valid proof, but can be used to arrive at conclusions, such as looking at a triangle with three sides and deducing that the three sides are the same based on the naked eye.

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What is the description of inductive reasoning?

Inductive reasoning involves making generalizations based on specific observations or evidence. It is used to make predictions about future events or outcomes by extrapolating from past experiences. However, conclusions drawn through inductive reasoning are not guaranteed to be true, as they are based on probabilities rather than certainties.

What part of speech is the word inductive?

Inductive is an adjective.

In math what is an example of inducting reasonings?

Examples of inductive reasoning are numerous. Lots of IQ or intelligence tests are based on inductive reasoning. Patterns and inductive reasoning are closely related. Find here a couple of good examples of inductive reasoning that will really help you understand inductive reasoning But what is inductive reasoning? Inductive reasoning is making conclusions based on patterns you observe.

What are the letters for Inductive Reactance?

The symbol for inductive reactance is XL.

When was Inductive automation created?

Inductive automation was created in 2003.

Which law allows you to state a conclusion from two true conditional statements?

Syllogism, logic (deductive or inductive).Syllogism, logic (deductive or inductive).Syllogism, logic (deductive or inductive).Syllogism, logic (deductive or inductive).