In today's terms it is: July-XXIX-MCMXCIII or as VII-XXIX-MCMXCIII
The date April 29th 1993 can also be written as 04-29-1993 and in Roman numerals this can be written as IV.XXIX.MCMXCIII
Today we would write them out as: VIII-XXIX-MCMXCIII
29 = XXIX in roman numerals
The date April 29th 1993 can also be written as 04-29-1993 and in Roman numerals this can be written as IV.XXIX.MCMXCIII
Today we would write them out as: VIII-XXIX-MCMXCIII
29 = XXIX in roman numerals
XXIX is the number 29 in Roman numerals. XXIX (29).
In modern terms it is: July-XXIX-MCMLXVII or as VII-XXIX-MCMLXVII
June 29, 1983, is written as XXIX.VI.MCMLXXXIII in Roman numerals.
In Roman numerals it would be "XXIX, VI, MMXI"
January is the first month so it would be one. I.XXIX.MCMXCIII would be the correct notation.
III-XXVIIII-VI or III-IXXX-VI. Note that 29 in Roman numerals is not XXIX.
The date 08-29-1987 in Roman numerals would be VIII.XXIX.MCMLXXXVII and the date 03-15-2005 in Roman numerals would be III.XV.MMV