In Roman numerals, 60 is written as "LX".
In Roman numerals L = 50 and X = 10, so LX simply means 60
It is: LX = 50+10 = 60
60 = LX
In Roman numerals, 60 is written as "LX".
In Roman numerals L = 50 and X = 10, so LX simply means 60
It is: LX = 50+10 = 60
LX is 60 in Roman numerals so there's no answer to the question.
LX = 60 in Roman Numerals LIX = 59
Lx lxx
60 = LX
40 is represented as XL and 60 is represented as LX in Roman numerals.
LX is the number 60. (L=50, X=10)