If each of these numbers is a measurement in feet, the number of cubic feet is 648.
A percentage is a pure number: it has no measurement units.
In theory, a measurement that is repeated an infinite number of times, or a very large number of times and then averaged.
Because you haven't told us what the measurement is.
9 inches.
The unit of measurement
Not clear what measurement you want, question not valid.
If each of these numbers is a measurement in feet, the number of cubic feet is 648.
Shorts with the legs 9" long on the inside measurement.
A number and a unit make up a measurement.
To convert inches to miles, divide the inch measurement by 63,360 (the number of inches in a mile). 570,240 inches is equal to 9 miles.
9-10 cm
A percentage is a pure number: it has no measurement units.
To calculate one-half of any number or measurement, just divide this number or measurement by 2.