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A Mercury thermometer is used to measure temperature.

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Q: What is Mercury thermometer use to measure?
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Why cant you use a mercury thermometer to measure the melting point of gold?

The thermometer would melt

Why can you not use a clinical thermometer to measure the temperature of a candle flame?

We cannot use a clinical thermometer to measure temperature of a candle flame because then the mercury will expand too much and the thermometer will explode.

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Why do you use mercury thermometer?

As tempertature rises, the Mercury in the thermometer expands, causing it to go up. As temperature decreases, the mercury in the thermometer contracts, causing it to go down on the scale. However, mercury thermometers are very dangerous if it breakes and gets on your skin. so it it reccomended to use an electric thermometer. these thermometers use thermoelectric current to measure temperature. ergo. they are safe if they break cheers <3 -Eli

What is in a thermometer besides Mercury?

Some thermometers use alcohol or dyed alcohols like ethanol instead of mercury. These liquids expand and contract with temperature changes, allowing the thermometer to measure the temperature. Digital thermometers use electronic sensors to measure temperature.

Why does Mercury in the the thermometer rise?

Mercury rises in a thermometer when the temperature increases because mercury expands as it heats up. This expansion of the mercury column inside the thermometer is used to measure the temperature of the surrounding environment.

How can you measure a body temperature?

What kind of thermometer you use to measure the body temperature

What is the mercury called on a clinical thermometer?

The liquid in a clinical thermometer is called mercury. It is used to measure body temperature by expanding and rising within the thermometer.

What is the raw experimental measurement made when using mercury thermometer?

Using a thermometer we can measure the temperature.

Can a mercury thermometer be used to measure temperature between 500 and 600?

No, a mercury thermometer typically has a limited range, generally up to around 500 degrees Fahrenheit or 260 degrees Celsius. Attempting to measure temperatures between 500 and 600 degrees with a mercury thermometer can damage the thermometer due to its thermal expansion limits. If you need to measure temperatures in that range, it's best to use a thermometer specifically designed for high-temperature measurements.

What is a non mercury thermometers?

A non-mercury thermometer is a thermometer that does not contain mercury as the temperature-sensing liquid. Instead, it may use alcohol, galinstan, or other materials to measure temperature. These alternatives are considered safer for environmental and health reasons compared to mercury thermometers.

Why not mercury thermometer is used to measure temperature of hot milk?

It could be used to do this - it is capable of doing it. However, Mercury is poisonous and a mercury thermometer is made out of fragile glass. Thus the danger that the thermometer would break releasing mercury into the milk (which would be for a person to drink) means that a mercury thermomiter is not the temperature sensor to use in this instance.