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3 minus 1 = 2

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Q: What is One less than three?
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Is 1 less than or greater than 3?

One is less than three

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Is one half less than three?

ummmmmmmmmm no?

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Three tenths is 20 percent greater than one fourth.

Is 103 more then or less than 301?

less. One hundred and something is always less than three hundred and something.

Is one third greater or less than three fifths?

three fifths is bigger.

What are three multiplication problems that can be less than equal to or greater than one?

Any, and every, multiplication problem must be "less than equal to or greater than one".

What is the significance of the number thirty three?

It is one more than 32, one less than 34.

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Is three feet greater or less than ten inches?

There are 12 inches in one foot, so 10 inches is less than one foot.

What is a sentence that contains the word two?

Two is greater than one and less than three.

HOW CAN YOU Write as an algebraic equation and solve: Twenty four is three less than one-third of a number.?

SRY THE Q IS HOW CAN YOU WRITE AND SOLVE: Twenty four is three less than one-third of a number.?