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Q: What is PI system from OSIsoft?
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When was OSIsoft created?

OSIsoft was created in 1980.

What is the population of OSIsoft?

The population of OSIsoft is 750.

What is OSIsoft specializing in?

The OSIsoft website specializes in many different business systems. One can learn more about the specifics surrounding OSIsoft practices on the official website.

What is the market opportunities of real time softwares like osisoft pi aspentech infoplus and invensys wonderware in terms of usd .All these are historians and heavily used in plants and Oil and gas?

I know all theese systems working. They're fine, but the last week I saw a presentation of the IDbox System, and I am wonderfully impressed!!Web based techology, quickly, high usability and performance... anyway, all of them are good for oil and gas. I think PI System are more extended in this market.

Pi is composed of exactly how number system?

It is not clear what this question is about. The number pi is not composed of any number system. Even though the digits will be different, pi is a constant which will have the same value whatever the number system: decimal, binary, octal, et cetera.

Who made the number pi?

Nobody made the number pi. It existed before mankind, before the sun and the solar system.

What tv show used pi to crash a computer system?

The TV show "Mr. Robot" used a repeated sequence of the number pi to crash a computer system. The sequence of pi caused a buffer overflow in the targeted system, which resulted in a crash.

What has the author Pi-Fen Liu Chen written?

Pi-Fen Liu Chen has written: 'A study of the article system in English'

Why alkyl group is an electron donating group when attached to a pi system please explain?

Alkyl groups show an effect called hyperconjugation. This is essentially the overlap of sigma bonds that are parallel to pi bonds/carbocations. The electron cloud from the hydrogen and carbon sigma bonds is able to coordinate with a pi system that is perpendicular to it. This makes the alkyl group indirectly resonance donating. You have to do some imagining to see the hyperconjugation. If you need help, get a molecular modelling kit or ask your professor.

How do you calculate DRI?

I use the square root system times Pi

What for aryabhata is famous?

For finding place value system, zero, and pi.

How can one determine the number of pi electrons in a molecule?

To determine the number of pi electrons in a molecule, count the total number of electrons in the pi bonds and lone pairs that are part of the pi system. Pi electrons are the electrons involved in pi bonds, which are formed by the overlap of p orbitals. Lone pairs in conjugated systems also contribute to the number of pi electrons.