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Q: What is Perform calculations that you could do using a scientific calculator called?
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Is there a type of calculator that does any type of math?

Mathematics is an enormous subject, and new fields are being discovered all of the time. As a result, it would never be possible to have a calculator that is capable of every type of math. Computers are arguably a form of calculator that can be adapted for any type of calculation, but they must be programmed to perform the calculation. Mathematical software does exist that can be used for many different types of calculation. Mathematica is one program that is widely used by mathematicians to perform complex calculations. ---- Yes, it's called a computer or in a more basic for a scientific calculator

The mathematical rule that Excel follows to perform calculations is called the?

Order of Operations

What math problem's answer spells a word?

a function key a scientific calculator called TAN

What is a name of a built in calculation such as sum and average called in excel?

Excel is like a calculator, but far more powerful. You can use formulas to do calculations and you have functions which are like pre-written or built-in formulas, which is what you may be referring to.Excel is like a calculator, but far more powerful. You can use formulas to do calculations and you have functions which are like pre-written or built-in formulas, which is what you may be referring to.Excel is like a calculator, but far more powerful. You can use formulas to do calculations and you have functions which are like pre-written or built-in formulas, which is what you may be referring to.Excel is like a calculator, but far more powerful. You can use formulas to do calculations and you have functions which are like pre-written or built-in formulas, which is what you may be referring to.Excel is like a calculator, but far more powerful. You can use formulas to do calculations and you have functions which are like pre-written or built-in formulas, which is what you may be referring to.Excel is like a calculator, but far more powerful. You can use formulas to do calculations and you have functions which are like pre-written or built-in formulas, which is what you may be referring to.Excel is like a calculator, but far more powerful. You can use formulas to do calculations and you have functions which are like pre-written or built-in formulas, which is what you may be referring to.Excel is like a calculator, but far more powerful. You can use formulas to do calculations and you have functions which are like pre-written or built-in formulas, which is what you may be referring to.Excel is like a calculator, but far more powerful. You can use formulas to do calculations and you have functions which are like pre-written or built-in formulas, which is what you may be referring to.Excel is like a calculator, but far more powerful. You can use formulas to do calculations and you have functions which are like pre-written or built-in formulas, which is what you may be referring to.Excel is like a calculator, but far more powerful. You can use formulas to do calculations and you have functions which are like pre-written or built-in formulas, which is what you may be referring to.

High-capacity computers with hundreds of thousands of processors that can perform more than one trillion calculations per second are called?


The first electronic computer was built between 1939 and 1942 by?

American mathematician and engineer Howard Aiken in collaboration with IBM. The computer, called the Harvard Mark I, was a massive machine that used more than 750,000 components to perform calculations. It was primarily used for scientific and military calculations and played a significant role in the development of early computing technology.

What is electronic computer?

The definition of an electronic computer is a machine for performing calculations automatically. They are sometimes called processor and are designed to perform operations and accept data.

What was the mechanical device designed to perform addition invented in 1642 by a French philosopher?

Invented by Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), it was called a Pascaline, a mechanical calculator that used connected gears to perform additions.

Calculations using balanced equations are called?

Stoichiomeric calculations

What tests does your doctor perform to find out how fast your body metabolizes medicine?

This test is called the Harris Benedict Equation. It is also easily remembered as a BMR and RMR Calculator.

The order in which calculations are performed in a formula is called the?

The order in which calculations are performed in a formula is called the order of operations.

Was the first calculator called blaise pascal?

No, it wasn't. The first calculator was called the pascaline.