

What is Plotted against mean?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: What is Plotted against mean?
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The integral of the density with respect to the variable against which the density is plotted, between the values at the ends of the curve. Since there is no information given as to what the density is plotted against, a more informative answer is impossible.

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Yes. One shows speed and the other shows acceleration. The variables are usually plotted against time but that need not be the case. They could be plotted against displacement, for example.

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He was part of Sons Of Liberty.They plotted and planed against the British.

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Northumberland plotted against Mary Tudor's succession to the throne.Because Mary was a devout Catholic, she would not be sympathetic to the Protestant Northumberland, who feared that he would lose his life if Mary was succeded to the throne.I hope I helped.Have a great day!!

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It depends on what the carrying capacity is plotted against.

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The graph of increasing acceleration would be a straight line sloping upwards when plotted against time. This indicates that the object's velocity is increasing at a constant rate.

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