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Q: What is Positive tropism describes as?
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Which tropism is shown by the tendrils of climbers?

Thigmotropism - tendrils of climbers exhibit a positive thigmotropism by growing towards and wrapping around a support structure to aid in climbing and anchoring the plant.

What is a positive and negative tropisms?

A positive tropism is something that bends with gravity or bends towards the light or the roots grow towards water. A negative tropism does the exact opposite.

What is Positive gravi groth tropism?

Positive geotropism is where the roots grow towards gravity.

What kind of positive tropism do leaves exhibit?

Leaves exhibit positive phototropism, which means they grow towards sources of light. This type of tropism allows leaves to maximize their exposure to sunlight for photosynthesis.

What is a tropism that is towards the stimulus called?

well ..thats a good question.. i studied that for a while and if i remember , it is called POSITIVE TROPISM.. but if it grows away from the stimulus its NEGATIVE TROPISM. Nice question.. alot of people ask that.. but they really dont pay attention because it in the question! :) hope this helps!! :) :P

What kind of tropism do roots display when they grow into the soil?

positive gravitropism

How does light brings about tropic movement in the stem and root of a flowering plant?

photo tropism is the growth-response to light in a plant. stems exhibit positive photo tropism while most roots exhibit negative photo-tropism

How light brings about tropic movement in the stem and root of a flowering plant?

photo tropism is the growth-response to light in a plant. stems exhibit positive photo tropism while most roots exhibit negative photo-tropism

A plant's growth response toward or away from a stimulus is called a?

tropism. Tropisms can result in growth toward (positive) or away from (negative) a stimulus, such as light or gravity.

What is sentence using the word tropism?

Plants show positive tropism by growing towards the sunlight to maximize photosynthesis.

What is negative tropism?

Negative tropism refers to the movement or growth of a plant away from a particular stimulus, such as light or gravity. This differs from positive tropism, where the plant moves towards the stimulus. An example of negative tropism is the roots growing away from light.

Is tropism the movement of a plant towards or away from a stimulus?

Yes, that's correct. Tropism is the growth or turning movement of a plant in response to a stimulus such as light, gravity, or touch. Plants can exhibit positive tropism by growing towards a stimulus or negative tropism by growing away from a stimulus.