

What is Rayleigh number?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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11y ago

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For free convection near a vertical wall, the Rayleigh number is defined as


In the above, the fluid properties Pr, ν, α and β are evaluated at the film temperature, which is defined as

For most engineering purposes, the Rayleigh number is large, somewhere around 106 to 108.

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For free convection near a vertical wall, the Rayleigh number is defined aswherex = Characteristic length (in this case, the distance from the leading edge)Rax = Rayleigh number at position xGrx = Grashof number at position xPr = Prandtl numberg = acceleration due to gravityTs = Surface temperature (temperature of the wall)T∞ = Quiescent temperature (fluid temperature far from the surface of the object)ν = Kinematic viscosityα = Thermal diffusivityβ = Thermal expansion coefficientIn the above, the fluid properties Pr, ν, α and β are evaluated at the film temperature, which is defined asFor most engineering purposes, the Rayleigh number is large, somewhere around 106 to 108.

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