22 = XXII
If you mean 420, it is CDXX
Twenty-two in numbers is 22. In Roman Numerals, it is XXII.
X is 10 in the Roman Numeral Standard XX is two 10's, which is 20
(225) Two Hundred Twenty fiveImproved answer:- CCL = 250
22 = XXII
If you mean 420, it is CDXX
Twenty-two in numbers is 22. In Roman Numerals, it is XXII.
roman numeral for (9)
X is 10 in the Roman Numeral Standard XX is two 10's, which is 20
(225) Two Hundred Twenty fiveImproved answer:- CCL = 250
20,000 = XX with a bar over the top. A single bar over a Roman numeral multiplies the value of the numeral by 1000. XX = 20, XX with bar = 20,000
Twenty-one in decimal notation is 21. In Roman numeral notation it is XXI.
the answer to what is the roman numeral for 101 is CI
XXV is the Roman Numeral for 25
324 written in roman numeral is CCCXXIV