covers establishments primarily engaged in producing bituminous coal or lignite at surface mines or in developing bituminous coal or lignite surface mines.
about 20.31%
SIC 2493 stands for Reconstituted Wood Products
The numbers 1221 in Roman numerals is MCCXXI. Roman numerals is the numeric system that was used in ancient Rome and is still used on some clocks and watches.
The factors of 1221 are: 1 3 11 33 37 111 407 1221
ABBA is to 1221 as EEHHG is 55887
There are 10 decimetres in one metre. Therefore, 1221 decimetres is equal to 1221/10 = 122.1 metres.
3 x 11 x 37 = 1221
As a product of its prime factors: 3*11*37 = 1221
A "dollar" made in 1221 doesn't exist, so there is no value. The dollar is US currency and the US was not established until 1789. Money in 1221 was different than it is today and not made of silver. Each coin was hand casted and made in 1221.
112 358 1221 3885 other possibilities exist.
includes auger mining, strip mining, culm bank mining, and other surface mining, by owners or lessees or by establishments that have complete responsibility for operating bituminous coal and lignite surface mines for others on a contract or fee basis.
The SIC for Retail Bakeries is SIC 5461